Wednesday 6 December 2017


W.A.L.T: recognize and understand specific language features.
I was able to take my time and think carefully about the different language features that the author used and understand the meanings of different types of language features eg. personification, idioms.

Next time I will Listen carefully to the words and phrases in the story Wonder.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Auggies classroom

Walt :  Convert different to lengths meters and calculate the perimeter and area of shapes.

I was able to understand my decimals if I am converting to meters.

Next time I will calculate the area and perimeter accurately by knowing my basic facts.

Monday 4 December 2017

Random act of kindness

Precious McKenzie
W.A.L.T : edit my precious McKenzie work independently to identify errors and get my work ready for publishing.

Reflection I was able to edit my precious McKenzie work and find the words that had red lines under them and I went and corrected my spelling mistakes.

Next time I will make sure I had used capital letters in the right places eg. names, places, beginning of sentences.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

John Pule Art

This is my reflection on my John Pule art that I created for our art exhibition.

Monday 25 September 2017


W.A.L.T:  make justified predictions from reading the book Ghost.

My Reflection
I was able to think three ideas because I listened to the story and was able to write down what he was thinking when ghost was doing the race.

Next time I can think more ideas than three and get a different picture so the reader can guess what I'm thinking by another person by ghost.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Decimals and fractions


My Reflection
I was able to convert fractions and decimals and for the mental strategy and  put them in line with each other and to convert 2.3 into 2.30. 

Next time I need to draw a two lines under the answer and keep my decimal points in line for next time.